Monday, 23 May 2011

Illustration Friday - Soaked

When I saw the topic soaked I knew I had suitable illustration in my file. I produced this about a year ago just for fun.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Jaume Plensa

A wonderful exhibition in wonderful surroundings with a special friend is the best way to spend your Friday.
It has been a long time since I felt so moved to tears by an exhibition.
I could upload so many of my photos but I strongly advise anybody who reads this blog to visit the exhibition, it finishes 25th September
These are just a few of my photographs.

This work has stillness, silence and serenity, which evokes a spiritual, almost religious, atmosphere and the beautiful, highly marked alabaster appears to glow from within. (this quote is taken from the YSP exhibition guide)

Plensa describes these figures as 'fat angels': suspended from the gallery walls, they are fixed and constrained by their heavy human bodies. (this quote is taken from the YSP exhibition guide)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Yet another failure

Does it get easier the more often it happens? I should not call it failure the judges are just not on the same wavelength as me. This was the turned down entry for Creative Review's 2011 Illustration Annual.
Never mind I've still to hear from another two competitions.

Monday, 16 May 2011


Anna Violet has persuaded me to start blogging again.... so here we go.

Failure, well I am sure we all experience it at one time or another but when do we call it a day and how do we handle it?

Creative Review have a good piece on their blog
I like what Milton Glaser has to say.

This is my most recent failure, again I have failed to be selected for The Serco Prize for Illustration. They choose a first, second, third and fifty illustrations to be exhibited in the London Transport Museum. This competition is organized by the The AOI

The winner is Anne Wilson and her image is below. I think her image is very eye catching and makes a very good poster.

This entry from Andy Potts has been chosen for the exhibition. I have always liked Andy's work.