Monday, 21 May 2012

Bus Shelter

I suppose this does follow my discarded objects....
I passed this at 7.30 this morning and it made me smile I hope it is there tonight and people add to it. In fact I've got a couple of items I would like to add. It could become a piece of Public Art!

Monday, 14 May 2012

More Discarded Objects

No illustration work at the moment so its time for creative play.

Been back in the studio again today. Plaster of paris now dried and I've covered the whole thing in PVA. This is all experimental so I am trying not  to be too precious.

 This is another discarded object...I think its some sort of ventilation flue. I picked it up from a scrap yard but had to pay for it (the bird **** that it was covered in came free!)
This has now been covered with a layer of PVA so I'm ready to go with this object as soon as the ideas come to me.

I seem to have accumulated so much junk in my studio. The problem is I have difficulty in throwing things away just in case I might find a use for them in the future.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Discarded Objects

It doesn't look a very interesting object but I found it in a pile of rubbish which was ready for the tip in one of the studios in the mill I experiment in.
I haven't become a SKIP RAT yet but sometimes I wish I had the nerve to stop the car and grab objects from skips outside peoples houses.

I have spent today experimenting with this and hopefully if its dry tomorrow I will take another photo.