Thursday, 5 December 2013

Sunday Times Travel Magazine

This has been a lovely commission for the Sunday Times Travel Magazine. This is a monthly magazine which is full of interesting articles about travel. After all my research for the illustration I think I would like to visit Shanghai.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Museum of London Christmas Leaflet

I know it seems far too early to start posting Christmas stuff !!!! but this illustration has just been printed and is now out and about in London.
If you have seen my earlier leaflets you will notice they follow a theme of family activities.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Museum of London leaflets

These are two of the six illustrations I have produced for the Museum of London.

I have really enjoyed this commission.

Saturday, 23 February 2013


In our new to us caravan that we have recently bought there was a large picture with a very boring photo of the sea in it. I have now replaced it with this illustration that I have just completed. Our caravan is sited on a lovely spot overlooking the sea at Red Wharf Bay Anglesey, so I was really excited when I found this old map of the Menia Straits and Anglesey. We often go up to South Stack to see the lighthouse and the sea birds, so I thought I must incorporate the lighthouse. The texture on the jug was taken from the photograph below which I took on the beach after a very bad storm. The starfish are called brittle star fish and they live in colonies of about 200 and are usually sub - tidal but the bad weather and high spring tide had brought them in.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Ocean

Yes I've been having more fun with my Duck Family. I'm dreaming of sunnier times which I hope are coming this year!

The First Cut

Enjoyed a lovely day at Manchester Art Gallery at the First Cut Exhibition
The work was very inspirational and made me want to get out my craft knives.
All the flock of birds were hand cut out of old maps. The trees were made of recyled paper and organic material. They were hung so they didn't quite touch the floor so they slightly moved in any drafts.